Manufacturing Month 2021

October 4, 2021

Manufacturing Month 2021

October is manufacturing month. This month is very near and dear to our hearts because it is all about education! Additive manufacturing is at the forefront of the new industrial revolution, continually advancing and growing. During the global COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains were completely disrupted. Shortages, extremely long lead times, and just out-of-stock items have completely shocked the economy. Causing entire operations to shift their focus, operating style, and suppliers. Employees are working long hours, extra days, brand new schedules to get parts out.

Additive manufacturing companies have established themselves as the saving grace of PPE. PPE or personal protective equipment was needed by everyone to slow the spread of COVID-19, but the industry could not keep up. This resulted in an extreme shortage, leaving many without PPE. The AM industry stepped in to supply items like ventilators, valves, face shields, oxygen valves, hand sanitizer holders, and this list continues. These items were crucial, but seemingly inaccessible until the AM industry stepped in. AM manufacturers altered their operations to produce these parts as soon as possible.

Manufacturers are the backbone of our community. From packaged foods, to the appliances we use, to even the cars we drive. Manufacturing is essential to running the economy. Data analysts, assembly line workers, bioengineers, engineers, robotic technicians, operations managers are all people who fall in the manufacturing community.

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